Just your average day

I’ve had some interest in people wanting to see what I do with Moxie on an average day, so this video shows the progression of a typical “easy”, at liberty play session and the things we do. I had to cut a lot out for time, but the entire session lasted about 45-60 min. A lot of the time is spent basically giving Moxie breaks to think, where I just give her a treat and let her stand for a bit. The rest of the time is just doing whatever tricks we both feel like doing (minus the rear, for now) and just trying to get her to stay connected to me and watching my movements.

Work It Out

As equestrians, we expect our horses to perform at their best. We typically help them perform to their full potential by exercising them, catering workouts to meet their particular needs. Obviously, some horses are more talented in certain areas than others, but learning what your horse’s strengths and weaknesses are will help you determine what kind of workout they need.

I am a leader, not a boss

There seems to be a growing belief that horses want to be utterly and completely free, without being tethered by a human. Granted, horses would probably be better off without human interference. But that is not a viable option, for we live in a human-made world and it is our responsibility to facilitate the best lives possible for our animals in the world we have created. 

Luminous Beings Are We

Your brain is amazing. Did you know that each half of your brain thinks in a completely different way? The right hemisphere of your brain is the artist, the one that lives in the moment; all that exists is this precise moment. It’s the one that takes all of the sensory input, in the form of different energies, in from your environment, collects this inside of you, and combines it with your own internal energy.